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Merem Melek

Kuntoro or which Kun come from Yogya difficult life completely, make Kun want to improve;repair the chance. But of course by lawful which. Because Kun is the child is very honest and pious. So also with Junaidi, or Jun, go abroad from field, [so that/ to be] can become the entrepreneur. Jun and Kun without intentionally meet and become chummy
Sheila, the campus child is most sexy meet unexpectedly the is both of them each other narrating the mischance and invite them to work a the office berjualan alat2 seks and strong drug. Even small liver Jun and Kun refuse the the work is, but they difficult to say don't. Sheila give the understanding, what a glory of of duty mereka...mereka can assist the wife husband to divorced, but re-coalesce
Kun have a crush on the girl berjilbab from so called good family Mona. [Whether/ what] in the end, Kun get Mona, 

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