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Perempuan Berkalung Sorban

Perempuan Berkalung Sorban

Starring : Revalina S. Temat ,Joshua Pandelaki ,Widyawati ,Oka Antara ,Reza Rahadian ,Ida Leman 

This is a sacrifice story a woman, A child kyai Salafiah at the same time a wife and mother. Anissa ( Revalina S Temat), a woman with founding of strength, smart and beautiful. Anissa live in the family environment kyai in pesantren Salafiah putri Al Huda, conservative East Java. For him[s correct and real science only Qur’an, Hadist and Sunnah. Modern book assumed by theX branch
In pesantren Salafiah putri Al Huda taught by how do becoming a woman of moslem where that Iesson make Anissa of opinion that Islam advocate the men, weak woman very uneven and
But protest Anissa is always assumed rengekan moppet. Only Khudori ( Oka Antara), uncle of mother side, what always accompanies Anissa. Amuse it at the same time present ‘ world’ other for Anissa. In secrecy Anissa the in sympathy with to Khudori. But love is unrequited because Khudori realize affinity x'self there is still with family Kyai Hanan ( Joshua Pandelaky), even if  not blood. That thing make Khudori always try to kill his love. its to end ofness Khudori continue the school to Kairo. On the quiet Anissa register kuliah to Jogja and accepted but Kyai Hanan don't permit, with reason can generate the libel, when a woman not yet menikah reside in alone far from old fellow. Anissa whimper and protest with his father reason.
Finally Anissa is [oppositely;also] married with Samsudin ( Reza Rahadian), a child Kyai from pesantren Salaf biggest in East Java. Even if liver Anissa rebel, but that nuptials is passed off also. Reality Samsudin menikah again with Kalsum ( Francine Roosenda). Expectation is to be woman muslimah the self-supportingness for Anissa at once collapse
In his action, Anissa brought into contact again with Khudori. Both still both of the same loving.…
Do love anissa and Khudori end in nuptials? How is relation Anissa and both its old fellow and Samsudin his husband? Do Anissa can become muslimah is such as wanted by theX its old fellow?

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